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Accessibility Policy


East Wichel Primary School & Nursery

Accessibility Plan 2021-23


Vision Statement.

East Wichel Primary School and Nursery has high aspirations for all pupils including its disabled pupils. We expect them to participate and achieve in every aspect of school life. We have a caring, supportive ethos that seeks to value all individuals and treat them fairly and with respect. Our school promotes equality of opportunity for disabled people: pupils, staff, parents, carers and others who use the school.

By promoting a positive attitude towards disabled people we aim to eliminate discrimination related to disability and thereby are expecting all to demonstrate our school values of love, community, integrity, aspiration and appreciation.

We are committed to providing an environment that enables full curriculum access that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.

The plan will be made available online on the school website, and paper copies are available upon request.




Under the Equality Act 2010 schools should have an Accessibility Plan. The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation, including the Disability Discrimination Act. The effect of the law is the same as in the past, meaning that “schools cannot unlawfully discriminate against pupils because of sex, race, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation”.


According to the Equality Act 2010 a person has a disability if:

(a) He or she has a physical or mental impairment, and

(b) The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.


Some specified medical conditions, HIV, multiple sclerosis and cancer are all considered as disabilities, regardless of their effect. Long term is defined as lasting, or likely to last, for at least 12 months.


At East Wichel Primary School and Nursery we are committed to working together to provide an inspirational and exciting learning environment where all pupils can develop an enthusiasm for life-long learning. We believe that pupils should feel happy, safe and valued so that they gain a respectful, caring attitude towards each other and the environment both locally and globally. This Accessibility Plan is drawn up in accordance with the Equality Act 2010, which replaced all existing equality legislation such as The Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act. The Governing Body recognises the following duties that this places upon them;


  • not to treat disabled pupils less favourably for a reason related to their disability;
  • to make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage;
  • to provide an auxiliary aid or service for a disabled pupil when it would be reasonable to do so and if such an aid would alleviate any substantial disadvantage that the pupil faces in comparison to non-disabled pupils;
  • to plan to increase access to education for disabled pupils.


The Plan sets out the governor’s proposals to increase access to education for disabled pupils in the three areas required by the planning duties set out in the Equality Act 2010:


  • to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum;
  • to improve the physical environment of the school to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided;
  • to improve the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils.


Accessibility Plan has been developed in consultation with the LA, staff and governors of the school and covers the period from

September 2021 to September 2023.


Access to Buildings and Classrooms

In the main, all areas of the school are accessible by all children and their parents. These areas are detailed below.



Main building

All entrances into the school have flat entrances/exits.

There is the provision of a disabled toilet.

Corridors are wide enough for wheel chairs to be used.

Doors have low fitted handles.

A lift,  close to the main entrance allows access to the upstairs classes in KS2

A hearing loop facility is available in the school.

An evacuation chair is available on the upper floor in the event of an emergency.


Main entrances are flat allowing easy wheel chair access. Fire door entrance/exits have flat surfaces.

Access to the kitchen service area is suitable to wheel chair bound pupils.


Available for all pupils. Access is available to all pupils as there are no steps.

Field Area

Available for all pupils.  Assistance may be required for wheelchair users when on the grass.

Entrance Paths

All clear of steps, allowing easy access for all pupils and parents.

Evacuation Procedures

The school’s Fire and Evacuation Policy sets out basic procedures for the safe, efficient evacuation of the school buildings.

These procedures will be adapted to meet the specific needs of an individual. Such procedures will be discussed with the pupil and parents and will be set out in the personal provision plan.

Curriculum Access: Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Our aim is that pupils with disabilities should as far as possible have access to a full and broad curriculum, similar to that followed by their peers.

As a mainstream primary school we cannot replicate the range of support and resources that a specialist school can provide. However, the school has successfully supported pupils with a range of disabilities - hearing and sight impairment, physical disability and learning difficulties of varying degrees. Decisions are taken on an individual basis following a full assessment of a child's needs. Such assessment is carried out within the terms of the school's SEN policy and information report.

Access to the curriculum is a key issue for consideration at the stage of admission, transition within the school or when a disability develops. Education, Health Care Plans for the pupil will address the issues and will therefore be kept under constant review.

Advice is sought from the appropriate national and local agencies. Support can come in a variety of formats through the school's graduated response.

  • Input from specialist (external) teachers
  • Technological enhancements, e.g. induction loops, ICT
  • Adaptation of teaching materials

The School's ICT network provides access to pupils in all locations.

In constructing the school timetable, the school will give sympathetic consideration to individual needs. Also, furniture, seating arrangements and the classroom used, can be altered to facilitate access and learning. However, the location of specialist equipment may preclude some possibilities.

In conjunction with the school’s SENCO, teachers will assess a pupil's need for support with assessment procedures. This will include both internal assessment procedures and external assessment such as those associated with National Tests or national qualifications.

The school's curriculum policies incorporate advice for teachers on supporting disabled pupils. The school has an on-going programme of staff development related to meeting the needs of different learners. Specific training on the needs of pupils is carried out as required.

Informal Curriculum

Pupils at the school can participate fully in the wide range of activities offered beyond the classroom consistent with the limitations imposed by any disability. This includes:

  • Outdoor Education
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Clubs and activities
  • Excursions and trips

Arrangements for play, recreation and other aspects of a child's social development are incorporated into a child's Education, Health Care Plan or coordinated Support Plan.

The suitability of any event and the need for additional support is discussed fully with parents in advance. Risk Assessments are completed as appropriate.

Information for Pupils and Parents

Parents are routinely involved in reviewing provision for their child. The child will also be involved depending on their ability and willingness to participate.

Large print format materials can be made available when required.

If either pupils or parents have difficulty accessing information normally provided in writing by the school such as handouts, newsletters, homework etc, then the school will be happy to consider alternative forms of provision in consultation with the local authority’s Advisory Services.

Source Materials for the new plan :

The priorities of the plan have been identified using a number of sources including:

  • Census returns
  • Pupil questionnaires
  • Parent Consultations
  • Multi-agency meetings
  • Health and Safety Inspections
  • Advisory teacher reports
  • LA site health & safety audits

It has been written to ensure that the school identifies and prevents discriminating practices which might disadvantage vulnerable groups by creating or exacerbating inequalities and barriers to learning. 

Children with disabilities are a potentially vulnerable group who can be disadvantaged if policies, procedures and practices within the school do not take account of, and seek to remove barriers which could deny them the educational opportunities available to other children.

Other important plans are contained and considered within this plan. They are:

  • Equal opportunities (including Racial Equality) Policy (Appendix 1)
  • Health & Safety Policy (including procedures for administering medicines) (Appendix 2)
  • Emergency Evacuation Procedures
  • SEN Policy and Information Report
  • Behaviour Policy


Action Plans

It is a requirement that the school’s accessibility plan is resourced, implemented, reviewed and revised as necessary and reported on annually. Below are 3 Action Plans which show how the school will address the priorities identified in the plan.

Action Plan 1:

Improve the physical environment of schools to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided.







Ensure there are adequate facilities to provide personal care to a child who has continence difficulties.

Purchase equipment needed e.g. changing mat

Ensure that all staff know which cubicle/s is/are to be used for personal care.

Staff and child are aware of the procedure for intimate care and have a safe space to provide this in.


Equipment purchased and care is provided to children who require it.

Where lifts are used there must always be an alternative method of returning the pupil to the ground floor in case of emergency, fire or lift failure. ‘

Evac’ type chair is on the wall upstairs and staff are trained to use it.

Evac chair is used if necessary to enable children who would otherwise use the lift to be safely evacuated from the building.

If the need arises.

Evac chair on the wall and staff trained on use.

To have available disabled parking spaces for the parents of disabled pupils or disabled parents. The space must not be used inappropriately, or blocked by other vehicles. Access into school from the parking space should be level with no obstacles.

Ensure that only blue badge holders or other parents given an East Wichel Permit come onto the school site to park at the beginning or end of the day.

Spaces are clear and free to be used my all parents that require the use of them.


Spaces are available every day.

Adults or children in wheelchairs to be able to navigate the school building including corridors and classrooms.

Corridors and classrooms will be free of clutter. Where classroom space is tight, adjustments may have to be made to classroom layout in order to facilitate access.

Corridors and classrooms will be accessible to someone in a wheelchair.

If the need arises.

All staff aware that this needs to be in place.

Organise classrooms optimally to promote the participation and independence of all pupils - with particular reference to disabled pupils

Review and implement a preferred layout of furniture and equipment to support the learning of all pupils with particular emphasis on disabled pupils. 

Lessons start on time without the need to make adjustments to accommodate the needs of individual pupils.  Risk assessments completed as required.


Advice has been received from Hearing and Sight advisory teachers as well as occupational therapists. Suggestions to improve access to the curriculum or to ensure sight safety is acted upon.


Ensure that specialist furniture is used to ensure that all pupils have access to the curriculum. Schools have a responsibility to provide auxiliary aids and services for disabled pupils and this can include specialist equipment.

Discuss the need for specialist equipment with parents and other professionals such as hearing, visual advisory teachers.

Pupils have the equipment and furniture needed in order to access the curriculum.

On going

Through discussion with parents and other professionals, specialist equipment has been provided to pupils that require it.

Provide training in manual handling as required.


Liaise with experts/ LA.

Risk Assessment completed and shared with staff.

Provide training for staff

Key staff trained in practical techniques of essential manual handling.

School is equipped with appropriate equipment

As need arises.

Relevant staff (catering and premises manager) trained in safe manual handling. 

Ensure the needs of pupils with medical needs are acted upon. 

Health Care Plans meet the needs of these pupils and staff receive appropriate training.  Update Medical Needs section of the Inclusion Register.


Organise training annually with the school nurse and adopt procedures and practices based on LA guidelines.  Ensure that the needs of new pupils joining the school are identified.

Minimum administering of medicines in school to ensure safe practices.  Staff INSET completed.

Medical Needs Inclusion Register completed with staff. All HCPs in place.


On-going during the cycle of this plan.

All staff have received Medical Needs training delivered by the school nurse. Sep 21



Action Plan 2:

Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum.







Provide training/support for teachers and TAs who work directly with pupils with disabilities to enable them to differentiate the curriculum, allowing pupils full access to learning opportunities

Regularly review the needs of pupils during progress review meetings, parent teacher consultations, as new pupils join the school etc and access training as it becomes available

All teachers/ TAs are able to more fully meet the requirements of disabled children's needs with regards to accessing the curriculum.


Training completed:

Visual and

Hearing impairment.

Medical Needs training.

ASC, DFS training, Sign-along, Downs Syndrome training, OT advice and training.

Provide 1:1 or small group support for pupils with any of the following – social, emotional and behaviour difficulties or a learning difficulty or disability to ensure they are well supported in a mainstream classroom

Assess the needs of pupils with the support and advice of professionals.  Make referrals to the relevant agency: ASC team; the school EP; TAMHS, SEMH Team, Disability Advisory team, Virtual School; Advisory teachers for hearing or sight Impairment, the Speech and Language Services and the Downs Syndrome society.



1:1 support is provided using the schools delegated funding.  Pupils and staff develop the skills and can seek advice from relevant professionals.

Family Support Worker supports pupils or parents as required.  Young Carers referred and supported.


Support in place from:

Educational Psychology team.

Autism Service.

TAMHs worker.

SEMH team

Hearing and Sight advisory teachers.

Speech and Language.

Young carers.

Swindon Downs Syndrome.

Occupational Therapists

The School SEN policy and information report is accurate and up to date. 

The Inclusion Register is up to date and identifies the needs of all pupils that require adaptations to the curriculum to enable them to access lessons and make good progress. 

Staff Meetings regularly address the needs of SEND pupils and develop strategies to support access to the curriculum.

The Inclusion Register is updated throughout the year to ensure that pupils are moved on and off of the register in a timely manner.

The needs of pupils that are SEN support or who have an Education & Health Care Plan have challenging/achievable objectives which are monitored and reviewed regularly.


Procedures are regularly reviewed and amended to ensure the school effectively meets the needs of pupils.


Provide support to parents/carers of pupils for whom the school has concerns.

Complete Early Help Record or new Core Standards with parents/carers and relevant professionals to access services to support families.

TAC review meetings for families.

Core group review meetings for families.

The children and parents receive the support needed to ensure that the children can access the curriculum and make good progress

On-going during the period of the plan

As required an Early Help Record or new Core Standards assessment is completed and regularly reviewed with the parents and child.

Parents have access to a Family Support Worker.

Provide a programme of extra-curricular school activities that are inclusive.

Review out of school provision to ensure compliance with legislation.

Activities conducted in an inclusive environment with providers that comply with all current and future legislative requirements.

Programme in plan for 2019-21

Our school offer has been fully revised to include opportunities for pupils aged 4-11 years in a vast range of areas.

All areas of the curriculum should be available to pupils regardless of their disability.

Activities are planned for the year. Where a planned activity may not seem suitable a discussion will take place with parents and other professionals to decide.

Where possible all activities planned should be inclusive for all children. Where an activity cannot be made accessible or would be inappropriate then an alternative activity should be made available.


Previous planned activities show that all pupils are able to access experiences with reasonable adjustments.

To have specialist equipment in order to increase access to the curriculum for disabled pupils.

Discuss the need for specialist equipment with parents and other professionals such as hearing, visual advisory teachers e.g. books with large print, writing slopes and pencil grips, or adjustable desks and chairs.

Pupils have the equipment needed in order to access the curriculum.

On going

Through discussion with parents and other professionals, specialist equipment has been provided to pupils that require it.


Action Plan 3:

Improve the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils.







Materials used in the classroom on paper and information displayed on the IWBs will be adapted according to the needs of pupils (dyslexic friendly) buff coloured background.  Buff coloured paper. 

Access to iPads to support reading of small text.

Research services available through the LA for converting written information (including signage) into
alternative formats.

Advice sought from SpLD teacher. 

Advice sought from the sight impairment team. 

Able to provide written information in different formats as and when required for individual purposes.

Appropriate improvements on-going.

The school is always striving to use dyslexic friendly strategies to support all pupils.

Advice received and acted upon from sight impairment team.

Raising awareness of font size and page layouts will support pupils with visual impairments.


Advice sought from SpLD teacher. 

Advice sought from the sight impairment team. 

All pupils are able to read text that is appropriate to their visual needs.

Appropriate improvements on-going.

The school is always striving to use dyslexic friendly strategies to support all pupils.

Advice received and acted upon from sight impairment team.

Auditing the school library to ensure the availability of large font and easy read texts will improve access.

English Leader to ensure texts that are accessible for all.

All pupils are able to read text that is appropriate to their visual needs.

Appropriate improvements on-going.

The school is always striving to use dyslexic friendly strategies to support all pupils.

Advice received and acted upon from sight impairment team.

Support for adults with limited English skills to ensure they can access services and funding to support their children

Staff will be sensitive to the needs of families who are entitled to services (e.g. FSM) and offer the opportunity to support their application.

Parents receive services to ensure the needs of individual children and families are met.

On-going during the period of this plan.

An app is on iPads to enable translation to be carried out as required.

For all parents and pupils to be able to access information about school.

The school website and Class Dojo platforms can have wording translated into different languages.

Members of the school community who have English as an additional language are able to read documents available on the school website or Class Dojo in their own language.

On-going during the period of this plan.

The school website and Class Dojo have translate options.

Ensure all signage outside and inside the school are appropriate and accessible for all.

Ensure any new signs are appropriate and easy to read.

Everyone is able to read signage around the school site.

On going

Signage is currently appropriate both externally and internally. 

Management of the Plan

  • The governors will be responsible for the strategic direction of the School’s Accessibility Plan.
  • The governors will be responsible for obtaining and allocating the funds needed to implement the priorities in the plan.
  • The Headteacher and the SENCO will be responsible for the plans day to day implementation.

Progress of the Plan’s priorities will be reported:

  • To the Full Governing Body at least once per year.
  • On the School website
  • Parents/ Carers may request a copy of the Accessibility Policy/ Plan from the School Office.


Written September 2021

