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School Letters

Dear Parents and Guardians

I hope this letter finds you well. Your children are having their Transition Afternoon (10.7.2024) with their new teacher and classes this afternoon.

To maintain consistency and provide the necessary support, we informed all the children about their new classes at the same time and in the same manner. We will be using this method every year moving forwards as this approach minimised any anxieties and allowed us to address any concerns or worries for all children in a supportive environment. During the afternoon, we shared transition stories to help children understand and feel more comfortable with the changes ahead before spending the afternoon in our new classes with their new teachers.

Some classes have remained the same, while others have been mixed. Where classes have been mixed, our teachers have thoughtfully considered each child's key friendships and spoken with them individually to ensure they feel reassured and supported.

We are unable to accommodate requests for specific teachers but have taken on board feedback from the previous year so far.

We understand that change can sometimes be unsettling, but please be assured that we have put considerable thought into every aspect of this transition. Our goal is to make it a positive experience for every child.

I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you of some staffing updates.

We are grateful to our lovely Miss Abraham, who will remain with us until Mrs. Fabian returns from maternity leave in the new year. And we welcome Mr. Morton, who has recently joined our team in Key Stage 1 and will be teaching in Year 1 this September. Some of you may have already met Mr Morton as he is working with Mrs Daly currently.

Teachers for 2024-25


Wales Class – Miss Thompson (Team Leader)

Scotland Class – Mrs Suida

Year 1

Spain Class - Mrs Daly (Team leader)

France Class – Mr Morton

Year 2

Sweden Class – Miss Tinker Miss Abraham/Mrs Fabian

Greece Class – Miss Abraham/Mrs Fabian

Year 3

Gambia Class – Miss Gough (Team leader)

Egypt Class – Miss Sharland

Year 4

China Class – Ms Hardy

India Class – Mr Sawyer

Year 5

Mexico Class – Mrs Pavey (Team Leader)

Japan Class – Miss Martin

Year 6

New Zealand Class – Mrs Biddiscombe

Brazil Class – Mrs Riddell

If your child is absent from school today their class teacher will let them know which class they will be in once they are back in school.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards,

Paula Phillips
Head Teacher
East Wichel Primary School and Nursery


Dear Parent or Carer                                                                                                                                                        24th June 2024


A vacancy has arisen for a Parent Governor on our school’s governing body and we are writing to invite nominations to fill this vacancy. Please do think about becoming a governor or encouraging others to volunteer.

Parent Governors are welcomed as valued members of the Governor team and play an important role; the governing body works together as a group, meeting at least once every half term. Together we are responsible for the strategic direction of the school, promoting high standards of educational achievement and ensuring resources are used to maximum impact.

Life as a governor is interesting and varied and we feel sure that there are parents prepared to take on this important role and give their time and commitment to helping us to continue to improve the school’s performance.

Training and support will be available to help you develop into the role. This will include in-house mentoring and support, as well as access to external governor training. Those new to being a governor are expected to attend induction training. The term of office for parent governors is 4 years. For further information about the role, please get in touch with the Co-chairs on and they will be happy to help.

If you would like to stand for election, please complete and sign the enclosed nomination form and return it to the school office by no later than 12 noon on Friday 12th July 2024

If you wish you can include a few details about yourself and why you would like to become a governor (not exceeding 100 words). This will then be circulated to all parents to help them decide who to vote for if an election is required. You do not have to complete this section, but if you don’t you may put yourself at a disadvantage if there is an election. An election, by secret ballot, will be held if more nominations are received than the number of vacancies. If an election is needed, details of the procedure will be sent to all parents.

Nominations must be from parents or carers with children at the school on the day that nominations close.

The enclosed sheet summarises the disqualification criteria to serve as a governor. Anyone standing for election must certify that he/she is not disqualified for any reason. Parents/carers who have paid employment in the school for 500 hours per academic year or more, or who are elected members of the Local Authority are not eligible to stand in these elections.

Yours faithfully

Laura Parnham & Matthew Corps

Dearest families,

We are absolutely delighted to share the results of our recent OFSTED with you.

There are five categories:

  • Quality of education
  • Behaviour
  • Personal development
  • Early Years
  • Leadership and management

and we have been judged as outstanding in every single one of these!

Under the new challenging framework, this represents a significant achievement. We are bursting with pride and happiness to share this news with you -  and especially after such a challenging past few years.

Please can I say a huge thank you to the staff and governor team for their love, dedication and commitment to their roles. And thanks also to you for your ongoing support and to your wonderful children!

There is an old African proverb which states: ‘It takes a village to raise a child’

Together we are so strong and we can achieve so much.

I enclose the PDF copy of the report and it will be uploaded by OFSTED onto their website within 8 working days.

Please do share the report with others to spread the word about our lovely school!

And rest assured that we will continue to develop and grow – always aiming to be the very best that we be!

Happy reading and we hope you have a wonderful weekendJ


Warmest regards


From an absolutely beaming Paula Phillips J
