Remote Learning
- To provide clarity and transparency to pupil and parents or carers about what to expect from our remote education.
- To outline our expectations for staff and pupils who are not attending school due to national lockdown or self-isolation, but are otherwise fit and healthy.
This plan will be applied in the following instances:
- All schools are closed due to a national lockdown.
- East Wichel Primary School is shut in compliance with advice of public health, due to coronavirus outbreak.
- An individual is self-isolating because of a positive test within the household.
- A group of children are self-isolating because of a case of coronavirus in their bubble
- A whole bubble or cohort is self-isolating because of an outbreak of coronavirus
Our remote curriculum
Our aim as a school is to ensure all pupils learning remotely have access to the same quality of education as those in school. Therefore, we will teach the same curriculum as we do in school. However, we might need to make some adaptations in some subjects in order to make learning accessible to those at home.
For example: In subjects that require a significant number of resources such as the practical aspects of Science, Music, Art, Design and Technology, the teacher might either post a pre-recorded lesson of themselves demonstrating the activity or a video made by specialist teachers from Oak Academy (see link to their lessons below)
Remote teaching and study time
According to the Government guidance, remote education provided should be equivalent in length to the core teaching pupil
would receive in school and will include both recorded or live direct teaching time, and time for pupils to complete tasks and assignments independently. The amount of remote education provided should be, as a minimum:
• Key Stage 1: 3 hours a day on average across the cohort, with less for Early Years.
• Key Stage 2: 4 hours a day
How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?
Teachers will post each day’s timetable for the completion of tasks, which will state specific timings for each activity in line with the Government guidance. Pupils are expected to complete every task set for each day if they are fit and well.
It is important to emphasise that engagement in home learning is compulsory as is the expectation that East Wichel Primary School makes that provision available and accessible to all.
Accessing remote education
Class Dojo
Use of Class Dojo will be in-line with our Remote Learning risk assessment and policy.
Should you need assistance with accessing Class Dojo please speak to the school office or your child's teacher.
Microsoft Teams
- We have recently introduced the use of Microsoft Teams as an online teaching and learning tool.
- All pupils will be sent their school login details and must access Teams using these details only.
- In order to give pupils pastoral support, answer any questions, clarify expectations and celebrate children’s work, every year group will hold a class assembly on Teams once a week.
- Teachers will either hold daily live lessons or pre-record videos of core subjects such as Maths, English and Booktalk using Teams.
- Early Years will pre-teach the story of the week on a Monday Teams class meeting and pre-teach the following weeks
Use of Teams will be in-line with our Remote Learning risk assessment and policy.
Should you need assistance with accessing Microsoft Teams please speak to the school office or your child's teacher.
Other online tools
- Timestable Rockstars ( : This is an online learning tool which gives pupils the opportunity to practise their timestables and become more fluent at them. All Key stage 2 pupils will be given logins details to access their Timestable Rockstar account and are required to log on as part of their daily tasks.
- Numbots ( : This is an online learning platform for Early Years, Key Stage 1 pupils which helps to use efficient mental calculation strategies to add and subtract two-digit numbers. Similar to Times Table Rock Stars, Key Stage 1 pupils will be given logins details to access their Numbots account and are required to log on as part of their daily tasks.
- ( : This tool gives children the opportunity to practise questions in different aspects of Grammar as a consolidation of what they have been taught. This is only used by Key Stage 2 children and all children will be given their login details.
- Oxford owl reading This is relevant for Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils who are doing daily phonics lessons. The link will bring you to a page where you can click on the Read Write Inc. ebook library. Then it will bring up a page with all the RWI books. Simply click a book ( teachers will be able to give directions on which books to read).
Pupils who do not have digital or online access at home
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
- If your child does not have access to a device or are sharing their device with their sibling, please contact the school office and we will be able to loan you an iPad or Chromebook.
- The school is also be able to loan headphones to pupils who are sharing workspaces with other members of the family.
- If your child does not have internet access at home, please contact the school office as the school can support with this as well.
- If you would prefer to collect printed work packs, please contact the school office to make arrangement for this.
Engagement and feedback
- All pupils, who are fit and well, are expected to engage with remote learning daily.
- Parents are required to support their child with setting routines by following the daily timetable set by their teacher.
- Teachers and teaching assistants will feedback to children daily on Class Dojo and support them with any work they struggled, by a written explanation or pre-recorded video.
- Children are also given the opportunity to ask questions in live Teams lessons; through the daily portfolio submissions and class story pages on Dojo and during the weekly Class assemblies.
- If teachers are concerned about any child, they will contact their parents either via Class Dojo private messaging or phone call to give adequate support or advice.
Support for children with special educational needs and disabilities
Teachers will work closely with the school SENCO and Family Support Worker to provide personalised and 1:1 support for children with additional needs.
This will include:
- 1:1 support sessions on Teams
- Regular phone calls
- Personalised tasks and resources