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Mental Health and Well-being

Mental Health and Well-being at East Wichel Primary School and Nursery


Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing is a very important part of life here at East Wichel School and Nursery. As part of our whole school approach we look at the following. 



  • Prevention – An environment, curriculum and ethos (shown through our School Values) ensures that mental health problems are less likely to happen and students are equipped to be resilient
  • Pupil Voice - We listen to concerns and involve the children in any decisions that may impact on them. Supporting their mental health and wellbeing giving them a strong sense of community and belonging. 
  • Identification – recognising emerging issues as early and accurately as possible
  • Early support – Helping students to access evidenced informed support & interventions within the school environment
  • Specialist support – Working effectively with external agencies to provide access and referrals to support needed which can then be given either onsite at the school or within specialist settings. 
  • Parents and Carers - We work in partnership with parents and carers so that they are equally involved in decisions regarding any support provided for their child/ren.  
  • Staff Training - Mental health and well being for staff is something we value considerably at East Wichel School. Regular training is undertaken by all staff in the school. 

What We Offer in School

  • Whole class mindfulness sessions
  • Mindfulness and anxiety management support for small groups and 1:1
  • Therapy dogs
  • Social stories
  • ELSA support
  • Brain break activities
  • Worry boxes
  • A tranquillity room and *coming soon* a sensory room
  • Assemblies that focus on mental health well-being and personal development
  • Our Family Support Worker, Mrs Sheward, can support with 1:1 Counselling in school 
  • We run a Young Carers group in school, for children who support with the caring of family members. 
  • Referals to Barnardos Trailblazers mentoring groups and 1:1 support
  • Referals to TAMHS and CAMHS
  • Referlas to the Early Help Hub  

Useful Links 
