Uniform Swap Shop
East Wichel Primary School and Nursery
We have a large amount of good quality uniform in school which can be recycled and re used. If you would like to order some uniform you can do so by completing the form below.
* Uniform is free
* All items have been washed, with the exception of footwear, prior to us sending it home to you
* Orders will be sent home with your child via their class
* Should any items not fit or you feel are not acceptable you can return them to us via the drop off box at the front of
the school.
* We will try our best to fulfil orders as quickly as possible but we are working around the school day so please be
patient. We aim to complete requests once a week.
* We will let you know if we have been unable to fulfil any orders (if we don't have the items you require)
Please remember that you can also donate any unwanted uniform via the drop box.
Thank you