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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

East Wichel Community Primary School and Nursery has a Governing Body made up of parents, staff members and members of the local community. The Board currently comprises two Co-Chairs (Parent Governors), two Parent Governors, two Co-opted Governors, the Headteacher Governor, one Staff Governor and two Associate Members. We are currently running a campaign to recruit 2 more Co-opted Governors and 1 Parent Governor.


The Governing Board’s three core functions are:

1) Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

2) Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff

3) Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors have chosen to hold six Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings and four Resources and Curriculum sub-committee meetings per academic year.


Please find below further details of our Governing Board membership and further information under the various click links.

Governing Board Membership

All governors are appointed to a Four Year term of office. Co-Opted Governors are appointed by the Full Governing Board. Parent Governors are appointed by the parents. Staff Governors are appointed by the staff. Local Authority Governors are appointed by Swindon Borough Council/Full Governing Board.

The names of all governors who have served at any point in the last 12 months can be found on the Register of Interests document

Governor NameStart dateEnd dateAppointment CategoryCommittee MembershipAdditional
Paula Phillips01.01.19n/aex officio as HeadteacherCurriculum and Resources 5/5
Anna Penney03.05.1605.05.24Parent GovernorCurriculum (Chair)CLA (Looked After Children)4/4
Laura Parnham (Co-Chair)09.03.2109.03.25Parent GovernorResources (Chair)Governor Recruitment2/5
Matthew Corps (Co-Chair)09.03.2109.03.25Parent GovernorResources and CurriculumH&S


Tony Brewer25.02.2225.02.26Co-opted GovernorCurriculumSafeguarding4/4
Vicky Bellinger15.11.2215.11.26Parent GovernorResourcesSEND2/4
Bronwen Rees17.01.2317.01.27Co-opted GovernorCurriculumPupil Premium4/4
Elena Sheward12.09.2312.09.26Staff Governor  3/4
Vacancy  Co-opted Governor   

Ben Hicks

14.11.2314.11.27Parent GovernorResources 1/1
Vacancy  Parent Governor   
Sarah Treadaway n/aAssociate member
School Business Mgr
Resources 4/4
Clare Hodges n/aAssociate member
Deputy Headteacher
Curriculum 1/4
Clerk to Governors:  TBC5/5
To contact the Chair of the Governing Board please email:
To contact the Clerk to Governors please email:
 Left in past 12 months      
NameStart dateEnd dateCategoryCommittees Attendance
Corey Stott28.11.1828.11.22Co-opted governorResources TBC
Nicola Stanton22.01.1325.07.23Parent GovernorCurriculum 7/9
Joshua Gray30.09.1925.07.23Staff GovernorCurriculum 7/9


