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Fast 10

Fast 10

What is Fast 10?

A daily 5 minute activity for the children (Y2 +) to practise arithmetic. Fast 10 helps to close gaps in learning and works on the principle of interleaving.

The structure of the session is as follows:

  • Children have 5 minutes to complete 10 questions
  • When finished, they mark their own work (with no answers given) and work out an approximate score out of 10. They then complete an extra challenge provided by the teacher
  • When the time is up, children talk through their answers in pairs
  • They are then shown a slide with the answers to mark their own work
  • Children make a note of one question they need to work on in the corner of their book for the Teacher/TA to identify common misconceptions/areas for further support


Y1 Fast 5

Year 1 begin the year with Fast 5 (5 questions in 5 minutes). From Term 2 onwards, children increase over the year to Fast 10 (10 questions in 5 minutes)


In Year 1, children time themselves with the aim to improve on their score/speed every day.



