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Year 5 Japan and Mexico

Welcome to Year 5!

Welcome to Japan and Mexico Class. We hope that you will have a wonderful year with us - we have some exciting learning opportunities planned! Remember to check on this page regularly for updates.




PE will take place twice a week (Tuesday and Wednesday). Please ensure that your child is prepared with suitable clothing for outdoor PE.

Key Dates


Term 1:

2nd September: TD day

3rd September: Term 1 begins

17th September: Meet the Teacher

30th September: Stay Safe Workshop - Taking Control of my Digital Life for Y5 and Y6

                          Parenting in the Digital World session for Y5 and Y6 parents, 1:45pm

2nd October: Grandparents cream tea

16th October and 17th October: Parent/Teacher meetings in school

23rd October: TD day, Term 1 ends


Term 2:

4th November: Term 2 begins

WB: 11th November: Anti- Bullying Week

                                Y5 and Y6 National Primary Maths Challenge

28th November: Y5 Diwali assembly

18th December: Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day

19th December: House Cross Country and Santa Dash

20th December: Early finish 2:10pm, Term 2 ends


Term 3:

6th January: Term 3 begins

9th January: Road to RIAT STEM challenge - rocket building

14th February: Term 3 ends


For any questions or queries, please use Dojo to message us and check our Class Dojo page regularly for updates. 


Thank you for all your continued support. 



Mrs Pavey and Miss Martin
