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Contact Details

Mrs Paula Phillips


East Wichel Community Primary School
Staldon Road
East Wichel


P: 01793 695134

Please send your general enquiries to Mrs Drew, Admin Assistant and SEN enquiries to Mrs Hodges Deputy Head and SENco either via email or the contact us form below. 


The School Office is open 8.30am – 4pm


School Hours

Monday – Friday
Reception - 8.30am - 3pm 

Year 1 - 8.40am - 3.10pm 

Year 2 - 8.40am - 3.10pm 

Year 3 - 8.30am - 3pm 

Year 4 - 8.40am - 3.10pm 

Year 5 - 8.40am - 3.10pm 

Year 6 - 8.30am - 3pm 


Total of 32.5hours a week 


Nursery Hours

Nursery Sessions
Morning session: 8:30am – 11:30am

Lunch Care Session 11.30am - 12.30pm
Afternoon session: 12:30pm – 3:30pm


Reduced Hours on the last day of Term 2 (Christmas), 
Term 4 (Easter) and Term 6 (Summer)


Reception - 8.30am - 1.50pm 

Year 1 - 8.40am - 2.10pm 

Year 2 - 8.40am - 2.10pm 

Year 3 - 8.30am - 2pm 

Year 4 - 8.40am - 2.10pm 

Year 5 - 8.40am - 2.10pm 

Year 6 - 8.30am - 2pm 


Nursery Sessions
Morning session: 8:30am – 11am

Lunch care session 11am - 12pm 
Afternoon session: 12pm – 2.00pm


School Street 

East Wichel Primary School is located within a Controlled Parking Zone.  A controlled parking zone is an area where parking is only permitted in designated signed and lined parking bays, and the rest of the kerbside space is restricted. No Parking at any time. In addition there is a section of Staldon Road, outside East Wichel Primary School which is operating a School Street. A School Street restricts vehicle movement during specific times except for those that hold a permit or are a Blue Badge holder. This section of road will be closed to traffic Monday – Friday between 08.15am – 9.00am and 2.45pm to 3.30pm.


For those who live further away and have to drive, we ask that they park away from the school and walk the last five or ten minutes of the journey. Some suggested locations are: • The Co-op, East Wichel Way, • The Wichel Inn, Frogden Road.

Contact Us:

Please send your general enquiries to Mrs Drew, Admin Assistant and SEN enquiries to Mrs Hodges Deputy Head and Senco
