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Year 3 Gambia and Egypt

Welcome to Gambia and Egypt's class page. We hope that you have a fantastic year with us - we have so many exciting learning opportunities planned. Please check this page regularly for updates.

PE will take place twice a week, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Friday's session will be outdoors, please ensure your child has a rain coat, warm hat and possibly gloves, suitable outdoor trainers and a possible change of clothes on this day, especially clean dry socks. This term we will be learning skills in Football and Fundamentals.

Meet the Team

Dates for your Diary 


6th January

School opens to all 8.30am

WC 20th January

School House Poetry Slam

14th February

Last day of term normal finish 3pm

24th February

Term 4 Starts

Term Three Book Talk Texts

For all questions and queries, please use Dojo to message us and check it regularly for what your child is doing every day!

Thank you for all your continued support. We are so excited for the year to come. 


Miss Gough and Miss Sharland



