Times tables
Times tables
We expect all children at East Wichel to leave us with a secure grasp of the multiplication tables. Being confident recalling the times tables provides a building block for other areas of maths taught in school. Tables are explicitly taught and children are given opportunities for daily practise through Morning Maths activities, and they take part in a Friday Times Table Challenge.
Please support your child to learn the multiplication tables. The table below shows the expectations for each year group:

All Year 4 children now take part in a formal multiplication skills test in the summer term of Year 4. They have 6 seconds to answer each question.
Times Table Rock Stars
At East Wichel, we challenge all children by providing them with extra times table practise through the use of Times Table Rock Stars. When learning times tables, speed AND accuracy are important. The more facts your child is able to recall, the easier it is for them to complete more challenging calculations.
Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help children to master the times tables - becoming Times Table Rock Stars! As shown below, children need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12 x 12 in less that 3 seconds to become a Rock Star. All children aim to become a Rock Hero able to answer any multiplication fact in less that 1 second.
Children are able challenge their peers to Rock Slams, striving to be the fastest Rock Star. This also develops a strong sense of our school values of aspiration and community.
Through Times Table Rock Stars, our aim is to develop the children's speed, fluency and confidence when recalling times tables which will help them in Maths as a wider subject.
Please speak to your child’s class teacher for log in details or follow the link for further information https://ttrockstars.com/.