PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) Policy including Relationships Education, Sex Education and Health Education
PHSE Policy
All schools must provide a curriculum that is broadly based, balanced and meets the needs of all pupils. Under section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and the Academies Act 2010, a PSHE curriculum:
Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and
Prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
An amendment to the Children and Social Work Act 2017 made Relationships and Health Education at primary; and Relationships, Sex, and Health Education at secondary, statutory subjects. The DfE guidance on Relationships, Health and Sex Education for governing bodies can be seen here. This will become active from September 2020.
We are confident that the Jigsaw Programme covers all aspects of Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) within the context of a full PSHE programme in an age-appropriate way. Should changes to these curriculum areas occur in the future, Jigsaw will provide its schools with materials to ensure all statutory duties are fulfilled.
This Jigsaw PSHE policy is also informed by DfE guidance on Relationships, Sex and Health Education (as above), preventing and tackling bullying (Preventing and tackling bullying: Advice for head teachers, staff and governing bodies, July 2013, updated 2017), (DfE and ACPO drug advice for schools: Advice for local authorities, headteachers, school staff and governing bodies, September 2012), safeguarding (Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, March 2013 and Keeping Children Safe in Education, 2018) and equality (Equality Act 2010: Advice for school leaders, school staff, governing bodies and local authorities, revised June 2014).
The Jigsaw Programme meets all the outcomes in the PSHE Association Programmes of Study, 2017.
Aim of the Jigsaw PSHE policy
To provide pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to reach their potential as individuals and within the community.
Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities. In doing so they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
They learn to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
In our school we choose to deliver Personal, Social, Health Education using Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE.
Objectives/Pupil learning intentions:
Jigsaw PSHE will support the development of the skills, attitudes, values and behaviour, which enable pupils to:
Have a sense of purpose
Value self and others
Form relationships
Make and act on informed decisions
Communicate effectively
Work with others
Respond to challenge
Be an active partner in their own learning
Be active citizens within the local community
Explore issues related to living in a democratic society
Become healthy and fulfilled individuals
Jigsaw Content
Jigsaw covers all areas of PSHE for the primary phase, as the table below shows:
Term | Puzzle name | Content |
Autumn 1: | Being Me in My World | Includes understanding my place in the class, school and global community as well as devising Learning Charters |
Autumn 2: | Celebrating Difference | Includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic bullying included) and diversity work |
Spring 1: | Dreams and Goals | Includes goal-setting, aspirations and resilience building |
Spring 2: | Healthy Me | Includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices (on and off line) |
Summer 1: | Relationships | Includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills |
Summer 2: | Changing Me | Includes Sex and Relationship Education in the context of looking at and managing change |
Relationship and Sex Education (Relationships, Sex and Health Education)
Definition of Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)
From September 2020, Relationships Education is compulsory for all primary schools as set out in the DfE Guidance (2019). For all maintained schools there is also a statutory duty to provide Health Education. This includes primary aged children learning about the ‘changing adolescent body’, included in the expected outcomes for primary Health Education. (Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education, DfE, 2019). There is a current statutory duty for Independent schools to provide PSHE and they must meet the Independent School Standards as set out in the Education (Independent School Regulations 2014). Independent schools may find the DfE guidance on Relationships Education, Sex Education and Health Education useful in planning and age-appropriate curriculum.
All primary schools are legally obliged to have an up-to-date policy for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) that describes the content and organisation of RSE. In primary schools if the decision is taken to teach sex education beyond Relationships and Health Education and National curriculum Science, this should also be documented in the policy. The policy should be made available to parents/carers on request and also available on the school’s website. It is the school governors’ responsibility to ensure that the policy is developed and implemented effectively.
Effective Relationships and Sex Education can make a significant contribution to the development of the personal skills needed by pupils if they are to establish and maintain relationships. It also enables children and young people to make responsible and informed decisions about their health and well-being. This is why the DfE recommend:
“… that all primary schools should have a sex education programme tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of the pupils. It should ensure that both boys and girls are prepared for the changes that adolescence brings and – drawing on knowledge of the human life cycle set out in the national curriculum for science - how a baby is conceived and born.” (Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education, DfE, 2019, para 67).
Compulsory aspects of Relationships, Sex and Health Education.
End of primary expectations and curriculum content is given in the Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education DfE guidance (2019). It is up to schools to determine how this is taught as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. Where a school delivers this as part of a whole programme of PSHE, such as Jigsaw, they are free to continue with this approach.
The sex education contained in National Curriculum science (Key Stages 1–4) is compulsory in maintained schools.
‘All children, including those who develop earlier than average, need to know about puberty before they experience the onset of physical changes’ (1.13)
Children should learn ‘how a baby is conceived and born’ before they leave primary school (1.16)
RSHE plays a very important part in fulfilling the statutory duties all schools have to meet. RSHE helps children understand the difference between safe and abusive relationships and equips them with the skills to get help if they need it. It also teaches them about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and positive mental health, about online and off line safety. Schools have responsibilities for safeguarding and a legal duty to promote pupil well-being (Education and Inspections Act 2006 Section 38).
Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) is an important part of PSHE Education (DfE, 2014).
When any school provides RSE they must have regard to the Secretary of States guidance; this is a statutory duty. Ofsted will evaluate how schools help to ensure a healthy lifestyle for their children (Ofsted, 2019, Education Inspection Framework Para 28).
It is compulsory for all maintained schools to teach the parts of sex education that fall under National Curriculum Science which must be taught to all pupils of primary and secondary age e.g. the biological aspects of puberty and reproduction (Education Act 1996, National Curriculum 2014).
Updated government safeguarding guidance is now available (Keeping Children Safe in Education, 2018) and includes a section about being alert to signs that young girls may be at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). School summer holidays especially during the transition from primary to secondary schools is thought to be a key risk time for FGM. See also the government Multi-agency practice guidelines: Female Genital Mutilation (2016) which includes a section for schools.
RSHE has clear links with other school policies aimed at promoting pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, including the:
Anti-Bullying Policy
Behaviour Policy
Confidentiality Policy
Drug and Alcohol Education Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Health and Safety Policy
ICT Policy and Safe Internet Use Policy
Inclusion Policy
RE Policy
Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy
SMSC Policy
Special Educational Needs Policy
The role of the Headteacher and Governing body
It is the responsibility of the Governors to ensure that as well as fulfilling their legal obligations, the governing boards or management committee should also make sure that:
• all pupils make progress in achieving the expected educational outcomes in regard to RSHE;
• RSHE is well led, effectively managed and well planned;
• the quality of RSHE provision is subject to regular and effective self-evaluation;
• teaching is delivered in ways that are accessible to all pupils with SEND;
• clear information is provided for parents on the subject content and the right to request that their child is withdrawn; and,
• the subjects are resourced, staffed and timetabled in a way that ensures that the school can fulfil its legal obligations
The headteacher liaises with external agencies regarding the school RSHE programme and ensures that all adults who work with children on these issues are aware of the school policy, and that they work within this framework. The headteacher monitors this policy on a regular basis and reports to governors, when requested, on the effectiveness of the policy. Parents should be consulted on the RSE policy and have the opportunity to express their views. They also must be informed of the limits of their right to withdraw their child from sex education and have the opportunity to do so within these limits.
Monitoring and Review
The Curriculum Committee of the governing body monitors the RSE policy on an annual basis. This committee reports its findings and recommendations to the full governing body, as necessary, if the policy needs modification. The Curriculum Committee gives serious consideration to any comments from parents about the sex education programme, and makes a record of all such comments. Governors require the headteacher to keep a written record, giving details of the content and delivery of the RSE programme that is taught in your school. Governors should scrutinise materials to check they are in accordance with the school’s ethos. Parents and carers have the right to see sample materials used within the teaching of RHSE and can do so by prior appointment with a member of staff, or at any open evening the school chooses to hold about this curriculum area. As Jigsaw materials are copyrighted the school is not permitted to put teaching materials on the public facing website, or provide electronic copies of materials to parents and carers at home.
The Equality Act 2010 covers the way the curriculum is delivered, as schools and other education providers must ensure that issues are taught in a way that does not subject pupils to discrimination. Schools have a duty under the Equality Act to ensure that teaching is accessible to all children and young people, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT). Inclusive RSHE will foster good relations between pupils, tackle all types of prejudice – including homophobia – and promote understanding and respect. The Department for Education has produced advice on The Equality Act 2010 and schools (DfE, 2014b).
Schools have a legal duty to promote equality (Equality Act, 2010) and to combat bullying (Education Act, 2006) (which includes homophobic, sexist, sexual and transphobic bullying) and Section 4.2 of the national curriculum (2014) states “Teachers should take account of their duties under equal opportunities legislation that covers race, disability, sex, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, and gender reassignment.”
“Schools should be alive to issues such as everyday sexism, misogyny, homophobia and gender stereotypes and take positive action to build a culture where these are not tolerated, and any occurrences are identified and tackled. Staff have an important role to play in modelling positive behaviours. School pastoral and behaviour policies should support all pupils.” (DfE, 2019)
Jigsaw RSE Content
The grid below shows specific RSE content for each year group:
Age |
4-5 | Family life; making friends; falling out and making up; being a good friend; dealing with bullying; growing up -how have I changed from baby to now; bodies (NOT including names of sexual parts); respecting my body and looking after it e.g. personal hygiene.
5-6 | Recognising bullying and how to deal with it; celebrating differences between people; making new friends; belonging to a family; being a good friend; physical contact preferences; people who help us; qualities as a friend and person; celebrating people who are special to me; life cycles – animal and human; changes in me; changes since being a baby; differences between female and male bodies (correct terminology: penis, vagina, testicles, vulva); respecting my body and understand which parts are private.
6-7 | Assumptions and stereotypes about gender; understanding bullying; standing up for self and others; making new friends; gender diversity; celebrating difference and remaining friends; learning with others; group co-operation; different types of family; physical contact boundaries; friendship and conflict; secrets (including those that might worry us);trust and appreciation; expressing appreciation for special relationships; life cycles in nature; growing from young to old; increasing independence; differences in female and male bodies (correct terminology); assertiveness; appreciate that some parts of my body are private.
7-8 | Seeing things from others’ perspectives; Families and their differences; family conflict and how to manage it (child-centred); witnessing bullying and how to solve it; homophobic bullying; recognising how words can be hurtful; giving and receiving compliments; respect for myself and others; healthy and safe choices; family roles and responsibilities; friendship and negotiation; keeping safe online and who to go to for help; being aware of how my choices affect Others; awareness of how other children have different lives; expressing appreciation for family and friends; how babies grow; understanding a baby’s needs; outside body changes at puberty; inside body changes at puberty; family stereotypes.
8-9 | Challenging assumptions; judging by appearance; accepting self and others; understanding influences; understanding bullying including the role of the bystander; problem-solving in relationships; identifying how special and unique everyone is; first impressions; working in a group; celebrating contributions of others; healthier friendships; group dynamics; assertiveness; peer pressure; celebrating inner strength; jealousy; love and loss; memories of loved ones; getting on and falling out; girlfriends and boyfriends; showing appreciation to people and animals; being unique; having a baby (simple explanation of conception); girls and puberty; boys and puberty; confidence in change; accepting change.
9-10 | Cultural differences and how they can cause conflict; racism; rumours and name-calling; types of bullying; enjoying and respecting other cultures; body image; self-recognition and self-worth; building self-esteem; safer online communities; rights and responsibilities online; online gaming and gambling; reducing screen time; dangers of online grooming; SMARRT internet safety rules; Self and body image; influence of online and media on body image; puberty for girls; puberty for boys; conception (including IVF); growing responsibility; coping with change.
10-11 | Children’s universal rights; feeling welcome and valued; choices, consequences and rewards; group dynamics; democracy, having a voice; anti-social behaviour; role-modelling; perceptions of normality; understanding disability; understanding what transgender means; power struggles; understanding bullying; inclusion/exclusion; difference as conflict; difference as celebration; empathy; exploitation, including ‘county-lines’ and gang culture; love and loss; managing feelings; power and control; assertiveness; technology safety; responsibility with technology use; self-image, body image; puberty and feelings; conception to birth; reflections about change; physical attraction; respect and consent; boyfriends/girlfriends; sexting. |
Withdrawal from RSE lessons
Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from Sex Education provided at school except for those parts included in statutory National Curriculum Science and that included within Statutory Relationships and Health Education. Those parents/carers wishing to exercise this right are invited in to see the head teacher and/or Jigsaw Lead in school who will explore any concerns and discuss any impact that withdrawal may have on the child. Once a child has been withdrawn they cannot take part in the specific sex education lessons until the request for withdrawal has been removed. Materials are available to parents/carers who wish to supplement the school sex education programme or who wish to deliver sex education to their children at home.
Parents and carers cannot withdraw from any aspect of Relationships Education and also in maintained schools, Health Education lessons covering the changing adolescent body (puberty).
Working with parents and carers
The government guidance on Relationships, Sex Education and Health Education (DfE, 2019) emphasises the importance of schools working in partnership with parents and carers. Parents/carers should be aware that schools are legally required to provide a broad and balanced curriculum. Sex and relationships topics can arise incidentally in other subjects, such as Science, Geography, History, RE, and it is not possible to withdraw pupils from these relatively limited and often unplanned discussions. Parents should be given every opportunity to understand the purpose and content of Relationships Education and RSHE. Good communication and opportunities for parents to understand and ask questions about the school’s approach can help increase confidence in the curriculum.
Girl’s understanding of sanitary products and disposal in school
As part of lessons on puberty girls will be made aware of the procedures in place for accessing and the safe disposal of sanitary products. The school is aware that period poverty can be an issue for some pupils, and will to the best of its ability ensure that girls have access to appropriate sanitary products during school time.
Health Education including substance education, mental health education and safety education
Effective Health Education can make a significant contribution to the development of the personal skills needed by pupils as they grow up. It also enables young people to make responsible and informed decisions about their own and others’ health and well-being.
Moral and Values Framework
The Health Education programme at our school reflects the school ethos and demonstrates and encourages the following values. For example:
Respect for self
Respect for others
Responsibility for their own actions
Responsibility for their family, friends, schools and wider community
Jigsaw’s Health Education Content
The grid below shows specific Health Education content for each year group:
Age |
4-5 | Understanding feelings; Identifying talents; being special; challenges; perseverance; goal-setting; overcoming obstacles; seeking help; physical activity; healthy food; sleep; keeping clean; being safe; respecting my body; growing up; growth and change; fun and fears; celebrations.
5-6 | Feeling special and safe; rewards and feeling proud; consequences; setting goals; identifying successes and achievements; tackling new challenges; identifying and overcoming obstacles; feelings of success; keeping myself healthy; healthier lifestyle choices (including oral health); keeping clean; being safe; medicine safety/safety with household items; road safety; linking health and happiness; people who help us; changes in me; changes since being a baby; linking growing and learning; coping with change.
6-7 | Hopes and fears for the year; recognising feelings; achieving realistic goals; perseverance; motivation; healthier choices; relaxation; healthy eating and nutrition; healthier snacks and sharing food; growing from young to old.
7-8 | Self-identity and worth; positivity in challenges; responsible choices; giving and receiving compliments; difficult challenges and achieving Success; dreams and ambitions; new challenges; motivation and enthusiasm; recognising and trying to overcome obstacles; evaluating learning processes; managing feelings; simple budgeting; exercise; fitness challenges; food labelling and healthy swaps; attitudes towards drugs; keeping safe and why it’s important online and off line; respect for myself and others healthy and safe choices; body changes at puberty. |
10-11 | What motivates behaviour; rewards and consequences; accepting self and others; understanding influences; hopes and dreams; overcoming disappointment; creating new, realistic dreams; achieving goals; resilience; positive attitudes; healthier friendships; group dynamics; smoking; alcohol; assertiveness; peer pressure; celebrating inner strength; jealousy; love and loss; memories of loved ones; body changes at puberty.
Being a citizen; rights and responsibilities; rewards and consequences; how behaviour affects groups; democracy, having a voice, participating; material wealth and happiness; future dreams; the importance of money; jobs and careers; dream job and how to get there; goals in different cultures; supporting others (charity); motivation; smoking, including vaping; alcohol; alcohol and anti-social behaviour; emergency aid; body image; relationships with food; healthy and safe choices; motivation and behaviour; changes in the body at puberty.
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Choices, consequences and rewards; group dynamics; democracy, having a voice; emotions in success; making a difference in the world; motivation; recognising achievements; compliments; taking personal responsibility; how substances affect the body; exploitation, including ‘county lines’ and gang culture; emotional and mental health; managing stress; mental health; identifying mental health worries and sources of support; love and loss; managing feelings; power and control; assertiveness; technology safety; take responsibility with technology use; self-image; body image; impact of media; discernment; puberty; reflections about change; respect and consent. | |
How is Jigsaw PSHE organised in school?
Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. Teaching strategies are varied and are mindful of preferred learning styles and the need for differentiation. Jigsaw is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time. This enables each Puzzle to start with an introductory assembly, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike.
There are six Puzzles in Jigsaw that are designed to progress in sequence from Autumn to June/July. Each Puzzle has six Pieces (lessons) which work towards an ‘end product’, for example, The School Learning Charter or The Garden of Dreams and Goals.
Each Piece (lesson) has two Learning Intentions: one is based on specific PSHE learning (covering the non-statutory national framework for PSHE Education and the statutory Relationships and Health Education guidance, but enhanced to address children’s needs today); and one is based on emotional literacy and social skills development to enhance children’s emotional and mental health. The enhancements mean that Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, is relevant to children living in today’s world as it helps them understand and be equipped to cope with issues like body image, cyber and homophobic bullying, and internet safety.
Every Piece (lesson) contributes to at least one of these aspects of children’s development. This is mapped on each Piece and balanced across each year group.
All Teachers are responsible for the delivery of Jigsaw.
The PSHE Co-ordinator (F. Francis is responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of Jigsaw
The governor with responsibility for PSHE / RSHE is Mrs A. Penney
Jigsaw is written as a universal core curriculum provision for all children. Inclusivity is part of its philosophy. Teachers will need, as always, to tailor each Piece (lesson) to meet the needs of the children in their classes. To support this differentiation, many Jigsaw Pieces (lessons) suggest creative learning activities that allow children to choose the media with which they work and give them scope to work to their full potential. If any changes are implemented nationally as a result of the Rochford Review Jigsaw will make the necessary amendments and offer this free update to all its schools.
Teachers need to be aware that sometimes disclosures may be made during Jigsaw lessons; in which case, safeguarding procedures must be followed immediately. Sometimes it is clear that certain children may need time to talk one-to-one after the lesson closes. It is important to allow the time and appropriate staffing for this to happen. If disclosures occur, the school’s disclosure and/or confidentiality policy is followed.
Teachers will be eager to ensure children are making progress with their learning throughout their Jigsaw experience. Therefore, each Puzzle (unit of work) has a built-in assessment task, usually in Lesson (Piece) 6. This task is the formal opportunity for teacher assessment, but also offers children the chance to assess their own learning and have a conversation with the teacher about their two opinions. In addition, as part of the Help me Reflect section of every Jigsaw lesson, children can complete a self/peer assessment using the My Jigsaw Journey/Learning resource that accompanies each lesson. All assessed work can be collated as part of the children’s Jigsaw Journals.
Each Puzzle (unit of work) has a set of three level descriptors for each year group:
Working towards Working at Working beyond
Recording and tracking progress
To support the teacher in tracking each child’s Jigsaw Learning progress throughout the year, there is a Pupil Tracking Grid. This sheet has the three attainment descriptors for each Puzzle. After each Puzzle is completed, the teacher, using a best-fit approach, decides whether the child is working at, towards or beyond and highlights the appropriate descriptor box on that child’s overview sheet. There is also space for the teacher’s comments. This sheet gives a quick visual representation of where the child is in each Puzzle.
Reporting to Parents/Carers
Each Puzzle’s assessment tasks, attainment and children’s Jigsaw Journals assist the teacher in reporting meaningful learning progress to parents/carers. The descriptors can be used as a starting point when considering what to write on children’s reports.
The Attainment Descriptors
Please be aware that these attainment descriptors are specific to Jigsaw and to year groups. They are designed to give guidance when considering each child’s learning journey. They are not nationally-recognised. There are no national level descriptors for PSHE.
The Jigsaw philosophy is that children are praised and their achievements celebrated in every Piece (lesson). It demands a positive relationship between the teacher and the children which, in itself, values and celebrates each individual. Appropriate time is allocated for this process.
Monitoring and evaluation
The PSHE co-ordinator will monitor delivery of the programme through observation and discussion with teaching staff to ensure consistent and coherent curriculum provision.
Evaluation of the programme’s effectiveness will be conducted on the basis of:
Pupil and teacher evaluation of the content and learning processes
Staff meetings to review and share experience
External contributors
External contributors from the community, e.g. health promotion specialists, school nurses, social workers, and community police and fire officers, make a valuable contribution to the Jigsaw PSHE programme. Their input should be carefully planned and monitored so as to fit into and complement the programme.
Teachers MUST always be present during these sessions and remain responsible for the delivery of the Jigsaw PSHE programme.
The Learning Environment
Establishing a safe, open and positive learning environment based on trusting relationships between all members of the class, adults and children alike, is vital. To enable this, it is important that ‘ground rules’ are agreed and owned at the beginning of the year and are reinforced in every Piece (lesson) – by using The Jigsaw Charter. (Ideally, teachers and children will devise their own Jigsaw Charter at the beginning of the year so that they have ownership of it.) It needs to include the aspects below:
The Jigsaw Charter
We take turns to speak
We use kind and positive words
We listen to each other
We have the right to pass
We only use names when giving compliments or when being positive
We respect each other’s privacy (confidentiality)
Teaching Sensitive and Controversial Issues
Sensitive and controversial issues are certain to arise in learning from real-life experience. Teachers will be prepared to handle personal issues arising from the work, to deal sensitively with, and to follow up appropriately, disclosures made in a group or individual setting. Issues that we address that are likely to be sensitive and controversial because they have a political, social or personal impact or deal with values and beliefs include: family lifestyles and values, physical and medical issues, financial issues, bullying and bereavement.
Teachers will take all reasonable, practical steps to ensure that, where political or controversial issues are brought to pupils’ attention, they are offered a balanced presentation of opposing views. Teachers will adopt strategies that seek to avoid bias on their part and will teach pupils how to recognise bias and evaluate evidence. Teachers will seek to establish a classroom climate in which all pupils are free from any fear of expressing reasonable points of view that contradict those held either by their class teachers or their peers.
Answering Difficult Questions and Sensitive Issues
Staff members are aware that views around RSHE-related issues are varied. However, while personal views are respected, all RSHE issues are taught without bias using Jigsaw. Topics are presented using a variety of views and beliefs so that pupils are able to form their own, informed opinions but also respect that others have the right to a different opinion.
Both formal and informal RSHE arising from pupils’ questions are answered according to the age and maturity of the pupil(s) concerned. Questions do not have to be answered directly, and can be addressed individually later. The school believes that individual teachers must use their skill and discretion in this area and refer to the Child Protection Coordinator if they are concerned.
Our school believes that RSHE should meet the needs of all pupils, answer appropriate questions and offer support. In Jigsaw Pieces (lessons) that cover RSE provision, this should be regardless of their developing sexuality and be able to deal honestly and sensitively with sexual orientation and gender diversity, answer appropriate questions and offer support. LGBT+ bullying is dealt with strongly yet sensitively. The school liaises with parents/carers on this issue to reassure them of the content and context.
Involving parents and carers
The school believes that it is important to have the support of parents, carers and the wider community for the Jigsaw PSHE programme. Parents and carers are/will be given the opportunity to find out about and discuss the Jigsaw PSHE programme through:
Parent/carer Jigsaw awareness session
Parents’/carers’ evenings
Involvement in policy development
Involvement in curriculum development
Information leaflets/displays
Pupil Consultation:
It is useful for pupils to be consulted on their own personal, social and citizenship development. Ask pupils either in individual classes or through the school council what sort of person they would like to be by the time they leave this school; what qualities, skills, attitudes, values are important to them as people?
Develop this further by asking pupils how they feel the school could support them with this, what initiatives the school could implement to support this e.g. friendship benches, peer mentoring systems.
Links to other policies and curriculum areas
We recognise the clear link between Jigsaw PSHE and the following policies and staff are aware of the need to refer to these policies when appropriate.
Science curriculum
Teaching and Learning Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Child Protection Policy
Training and support for staff
All staff benefit from Jigsaw PSHE training in order to enhance their PSHE delivery skills. Opportunities are provided for staff to identify individual training needs on a yearly basis and relevant support is provided.
In addition to this, support for teaching and understanding PSHE issues is incorporated in our staff INSET programme, drawing on staff expertise and/or a range of external agencies.
This policy is available on our school website where it can be accessed by the community. Training is regularly delivered to staff on the policy content. Copies are available from the school office on request from parents/carers.
Confidentiality and Child Protection/Safeguarding Issues
As a general rule a child’s confidentiality is maintained by the teacher or member of staff concerned. If this person believes that the child is at risk or in danger, she/he talks to the named child protection co-ordinator who takes action as laid down in the Child Protection Policy. All staff members are familiar with the policy and know the identity of the member of staff with responsibility for Child Protection issues. The child concerned will be informed that confidentiality is being breached and reasons why. The child will be supported by the teacher throughout the process.
School: East Wichel Primary School and Nursery |
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Date of Policy update: September 2023 |
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Member of Staff Responsible: Paula Phillips Governor Responsible: Bronwen Rees
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Review Date: September 2024 |