Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Guidance
Child Friendly Anti Bullying Guidance
Bullying what does this word mean?
Bullying is when a person hurts another person more than once, through what they say or do. The bully uses behaviour to hurt, frighten or upset another person.
Bullying can be
- Physical
- Emotional
- Cyber
- Verbal
- Racist
- Through another person or persons
....... and is S.T.O.P Several Times On Purpose.
What can we do at school to help victims of bullying?
We must treat reports of bullying seriously.
We must find ways to STOP bullying so that our school is a safe and happy school for everyone.
What should I do if I am bullied?
- Start
- Telling
- Other
- People
Who should I tell?
- Teacher
- Parent
- Friend
- Trusted Adult
What should I do if I am bullied ?
DON'T .....
- do what they say
- get angry
- hit them
- Try not to look upset
- tell the bully to go away
- ignore them
- walk away
- act as though you don't care about what they say or do
- remember - its not your fault
- tell a trusted adult
What should I do if I see bullying happening in school?
- Don't ignore and walk away
- Tell the bully to STOP
- Tell an adult
At East Wichel Primary School and Nursery we work together to STOP bullying. We want the school to be safe and happy.
We work hard together to help everyone understand and respect one another.
Anti-Bullying Guidance written by the School Council.
Reviewed April 2020
Next review February 2023