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Birthday Cupcakes

Birthday Cupcakes

Due to the new allergen laws we are no longer able to accept and distribute birthday treats in school for children on their birthdays. However for £12 our catering team will make and deliver enough cupcakes for your child's class to their class on their birthday (or a day near their birthday for any at the weekend). Cakes similar to those pictured above will be delivered by the catering team who will join the class in singing happy birthday and a photo of the birthday boy or girl will be taken with the cakes and sent to parent via Class Dojo. To order cakes please contact the admin team via email to at least a week before the day they are required, once your order has been placed payment will be allocated to Parent Pay. Payment will be required before the date of the cake delivery. 


When ordering please remember to give your 

  • Child's name 
  • Child's class 
  • Date of their birthday 


