Behaviour Policy
East Wichel Community Primary School and Nursery
Behaviour Policy
At East Wichel Primary School we are committed to promoting exceptional standards of behaviour. Our Behaviour Policy reflects the importance that the school places on children being supported in making a positive contribution to their school and to society in general, by being involved socially within the school and the wider community and not engaging in anti-social or offending behaviour.
Consistent expectations are important and all members of staff must be proactive in the implementation of this policy and should encourage all pupils to make good behaviour choices in class and elsewhere in the school. Good behaviour should be the expectation and generously rewarded with praise.
This policy has been written using the pedagogical thinking from Paul Dix: When the adults change, everything changes. The following quotes are taken from the book and have helped to shape the policy.
“The consistency that is required to create rapid seismic improvements in behaviour is one that is worth fighting for”
“The foundation of every school must be excellent behaviour”
“The simplest things work best”
At East Wichel we aim to:
- Provide a safe, comfortable and loving environment where optimum learning takes place
- Promote high standards of behaviour and help all pupils to achieve success
- Provide clear guidance for children, staff and parents of expected levels of behaviour
- Develop self-discipline and self-regulation so that each pupil learns to take responsibility for their own behaviour
- Use a consistent and calm approach
- Ensure all adults take responsibility for managing behaviour and follow-up incidents personally
- Ensure all adults use consistent language to promote positive behaviour, using restorative approaches
Purpose of the behaviour policy
- To provide simple, practical procedures for staff and children that:
- Foster the belief that there are no ‘bad’ children, just ‘poor choices’
- Encourage children to recognise that they can and should make ‘good’ choices
- Recognise individual behavioural norms and respond appropriately
- Promote self-esteem and self-discipline
- Teach appropriate behaviour through positive intervention
All staff must:
- Take time to welcome children at the start of the day
- Have high expectations of behaviour of all children and reinforce this by recognising this behaviour
- Always pick up on children who are failing to meet expectations
The Head teacher and The Senior Leadership Team must:
- Be a visible presence around the school
- Regularly celebrate staff and children whose efforts go above and beyond expectations
- Encourage use of positive praise, phone calls/notes home and stickers
- Ensure staff training needs are identified and met
- Use behaviour records to track trends and address issues
- Support teachers in managing children with more complex or challenging behaviours
Members of staff who manage behaviour will:
- Demonstrate unconditional care and compassion
- Model good behaviour, listening and positive interactions
- Be consistent and explain to children what we are doing and why
- Deliberately and persistently catch children doing the right thing and praise them in front of others
- Know their classes well and develop positive relationships with all children
- Relentlessly work to build mutual respect
Children will:
- Work to the best of their ability and allow others to do the same
- Treat everyone with respect and kindness
- Show integrity at all times
- Take care of school property and the environment
Each classroom will display our ‘Rules’
Work hard
Be kind
Do the right thing
Make a difference
These will be visited at the start of each academic year, each new term and as needed throughout the year. They will displayed clearly in all classrooms, referred to frequently and a class charter will be developed by each class from these which is then signed as an agreement.
Rewards may include
- Verbal praise from a class teacher in front of peers, or praise from another member of staff
- Dojo points
- Stickers
- Celebration certificates presented to children who have shown the school values
- Values Cups
- Sharing work in assemblies / classrooms
House Dojo Points
Each pupil will be allocated to one of four House Teams – Coate, Lydiard, Barbury and Shaw. Siblings will be in the same House Team. Class Dojo will be used in each class for children in years 1 – 6 to record their house points which are linked to our school values and school rules. Points to be given one at a time for behaviour and work that goes above and beyond expectations.
If a child does not meet behaviour expectations the below flow diagrams should be followed:
East Wichel Behaviour System
- Lots of positive praise using the language of our school values and rules should be enough for most
- Positive, professional, clear and firm – it should always be delivered with a smile and warmth
- Dojo House points can be awarded to anyone showing the school values above and beyond expectation.
If a child is not meeting expectations/not demonstrating the school values/breaking the school rules
Step 1- a quiet word with the child. Reminding them what they should be doing and why. Tell them this is their first reminder.
Step 2 – Give a second and more stern a reminder. Notifying them that that this is now their 2nd reminder and if you have to remind them a 3rd time they will then need to go and see the Key Stage Leader (at lunch time this will be Mrs Hodges or Mrs Phillips)
Step 3 - They should be sent to the Key Stage Leader. The team leader and staff member who was there will talk through the three reminders, the child needs to then complete a reflection sheet and a consequence related to the incident is usually agreed. Reminders reset every day and are not carried over to the next day. The reflection sheet needs to then be filled in the Key Stage Behaviour folder and the termly tick sheet should be updated at the front of the folder.
If any of the following occur:
- a child is hurt;
- derogatory language is used;
- property is damaged;
- a child is rude to another person
There are no reminders. An investigation needs to take place using an incident form, documenting all witness statements. This needs to be completed by the member of staff present at the time of the incident.
Derogatory comments include that of a racial or gender specific nature, and also include comments made around sexuality. In the case of peer on peer abuse, the above approach will also be followed and a restorative justice approach will be used where necessary; abuse is abuse and it will not be tolerated or excused as ‘banter’.
A restorative chat needs to be had with all involved.
At East Wichel, we understand that a common and consistent use of language around behaviour is essential in creating clear boundaries to learn how to behave.
We should remain professional and calm at all times. Conversations should follow a restorative approach and behaviours should be discussed as the behaviours they are, and not be personal to the child.
The following questions should be asked and discussed:
- What happened?
- What were you thinking/feeling?
- What needs to happen to put things right?
- What are you going to do differently next time?
Staff should use their professional judgement as to whether the incident requires a member of SLT or the Deputy Head/ Head Teacher to talk to the perpetrator following the investigation. The child needs to complete a reflection sheet and a consequence related to the incident is agreed and parents are usually notified.
The completed incident form and accompanying reflection sheet, filled in by the perpetrator(s), need to be filed in the Key Stage Behaviour folder and the termly tick sheet should be updated at the front of the folder.
Step 4 - If a child completes three reflection sheets, then a support card needs to be put into place.
What is a Daily Behaviour Support Card?
A support card has positive intent and focusses on encouraging, developing and rewarding desired behaviours.
If a child is given a support card, this will be for a short, fixed time period. Before a child is issued with a support card, we will discuss the reasons for using it with the child and their parents.
The child will be given 1-3 clear and easy to understand targets and these will be co-created.
How will the Support Cards be used?
At the start of each session, the child will be reminded of the targets and have their support card out in front of them.
During each session – as and if needed – the adult will give ONE gentle/quiet reminder.
At the end of each session, the adult will check in with the child will talk with them and either give them a tick or cross against their targets and write a brief comment in the comments box if necessary. Staff will be encouraged to make positive comments to reinforce good behaviour where they can.
At lunchtime, the class teacher will check in with the child to discuss how the morning has gone. This will give the child time to reflect on their behaviour and what went well or if the morning has not gone so well, how they can change their mind set and ways in which they can make the afternoon more positive.
The teacher AND headteacher will also check in with them at the end of the day and take a photo of the support card which will then be sent to the parent via a Dojo message.
For some children they will also require a support card to be filled in at break time and lunchtime and the same process will apply. The adult will need to remind of the child of the targets before they go out and the class teacher to check in with them when they return.
If the child is consistently getting all ticks for a period of 3 weeks, then our hope would be to be able to take them off the support card system.
The support card resets each week and supports children to make huge improvements and feel positive.
What will the consequences be if the child’s behaviour does not improve on the Support Card?
The progression of consequences will be as follows:
- 2 crosses in a week Sent to Key Stage Lead (if in Key Stage leaders class they will go to a different Key Stage lead)
- 3 crosses in a week - sent to Mrs Phillips
A phone call home to discuss with parents the steps that have already been taken and the changes that need to take place
- A day of crosses and/or 4 crosses in a week - A formal meeting with parents, the Class Teacher, Key Stage Lead and Headteacher
A half day internal exclusion (this will be a morning or afternoon exclusion). This will mean the child will be complete their learning in a separate room with an adult.
- A further 4+crosses and/or a day of crosses (and already had half a day) - A whole day internal exclusion, as above, but lasting for the whole day. Parents notified.
- A further 4+crosses and/or a day of crosses (and already had a day internal exclusion) Temporary exclusion where the child will not be able to attend school for a fixed amount of time*
* We would really hope that a child never gets to the Temporary Exclusion stage, and we will give them as much support as possible to avoid this, but we do feel it is important the child understands the seriousness of not achieving their targets and taking responsibility for their behaviour.
Children on Individual Behaviour Plans have a slightly system but still to be praised when showing good learning.
Extreme Behaviours
Some children exhibit particular behaviours due to individual circumstances. As a school we recognise that their behaviour is their way of communicating their emotions. We also understand that for many children they need to feel a level of safety before they exhibit extreme behaviours.
When dealing with an episode of extreme behaviour, a child may need to be restrained if they or another person is unsafe. This will only be used as last resort and by trained staff only.
‘The use of Reasonable Force’ 2013 and the local authority ‘Policy on Positive Handling’ guidance has been used to inform the school’s use of restraint
Members of school staff who have been ‘Team Teach’ trained can apply the policies when required.
Records of restraint will be maintained in a ‘Bound Book’ which is located in the Headteacher’s Office. Restraint will be used to ensure the safety of a child or children. Staff will apply their training ensuring it is ‘reasonable, proportionate and necessary’.
‘Team Teach techniques seek to avoid injury to the service user, but it is possible that bruising or scratching may occur accidently, and therefore these are not seen necessarily as failure of professional technique, but a regrettable and infrequent ‘side effect’ of ensuring that the service user remains safe’. George Matthews – Director.
Risk assessments will be completed for children who exhibit extreme behaviours. This will include a Positive Handling Plan (PHP), which will be created to ensure the safety of pupils; this will be reviewed by the teacher and SENDCo each time the child presents new behaviours. The risk assessment will be retained by the class teacher and SENDCo.
Exclusions will occur following extreme incidents at the discretion of the Head Teacher. A fixed-term exclusion will be enforced under these conditions:
- The child needs time to reflect on their behaviour
- To give the school time to create a plan which will support the child better
- The child being at home will have a positive impact on future behaviour
We understand that throughout this process, it is imperative that we explain what is happening and why it is happening to parents and arrange reintergration meetings to discuss.
Permanent Exclusion or Out Of School Transfer
- Exclusion is an extreme step and will only be taken in cases where:
- Long term misbehaviour is not responding to the strategies and the safety and learning of others is being seriously hindered.
- The risk to staff and other children is too high
- The impact on staff, children and learning is too high
Permanent exclusion will be a last resort. In all instances, what is best for the child will be at the heart of all our decisions.