If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Applying for a place in our Nursery.
East Wichel Primary School and Nursery manage the admissions of our Nursery children. Please follow the links below for our Nursery Admissions Policy and our Nursery Application Form.
Nursery Application Form
Reception 2025
You can apply for your Reception place for September 2025 online here. Applications open in September 2024
Applying for a place at East Wichel Primary School
Reception (during the school year) - Year 6
Swindon Borough Council look after our school admission. If you would like to apply for a place with us in Reception to Year 6 you will need to apply through Swindon Borough Council's Admissions Team. If you are applying for Reception September 2022 please follow the link below.
Click here for Reception 2025 information
How the application works
As a local authority, Swindon's School Admissions team co-ordinate all applications made during the academic year for all year groups for all schools in Swindon.
The Admissions team allocate in-year transfers every 15 school days.
The timetable of process periods is below.
There is an offer date associated with each process period. This is the day that we e-mail parents with an offer of a school place, or inform them that their application was not successful.
Once you have received your offer letter, you should contact the school to accept the place and agree a start date. You must accept the place within 28 school days of the offer.
You can make an in-year application online here.
Process Period for 2023-2024
If your application is not successful
If you have not been offered a place at one of your preferred schools and they do not already attend a Swindon school, you will offered a place at the nearest school that has availability. This is assuming you have provided evidence of your Swindon address.
You can be added to the waiting list for a preferred school, if the school has one. A school’s waiting list policy is held in its oversubscription criteria, we follow Swindon Borough Councils admissions arrangements. Your child may move up or down the list as other children are added and removed. No priority is given according to the amount of time your child spends on the list.
For community schools and voluntary controlled schools, the waiting list is held until the end of the academic year. If you wish to remain on the waiting list for the following year, you must make another application in that academic year.
If you wish to appeal an Admissions decision you should do so with Swindon Borough Council, please follow this link below for this information.