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Sex and Relationship Education Policy

East Wichel Community Primary School and Nursery
Sex and Relationship Education Policy (SRE)

Definition of Sex and Relationship Education
‘SRE is lifelong learning process of acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs and attitudes about sex, sexuality, relationships and feelings’ (Sex Education Forum, 1999).
Effective SRE can make a significant contribution to the development of the personal skills needed by pupils if they are to establish and maintain relationships. It also enables children and young people to make responsible and informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) in schools, is a legal requirement.


Aims and purpose
At East Wichel Community Primary School & Nursery we believe that confidence and self-esteem are at the heart of effective SRE, building foundations for sexual and emotional health from an early age.
We aim to help children appreciate the value of family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care.
We recognise that parents/carers are key people to help children cope with the physical and emotional aspects of growing up and we aim to compliment and support this role.
We aim to teach pupils about sex, sexuality and sexual health and help children appreciate the value of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is not about the promotion of sexual orientation or sexual activity. Issues of religion, cultural difference and ethnicity will be dealt with sensitively. An atmosphere of tolerance and acceptance will be encouraged.
We will:

  • Provide children with a foundation of basic physical, emotional, health and social information about themselves and others
  • Build self-esteem and confidence
  • Prepare children for the emotional and physical changes ahead of them
  • Provide them with the skills to ask for help and to know when and to whom they should do this
  • Provide them with the skills to help keep themselves safe from unwanted or abusive attention
  • Provide them with the language and the confidence to discuss sexual matters with an appropriate adult
  • Reduce prejudice and stereotyping
  • Equip children with communication and decision-making skills
  • Develop relationship skills


In Early Years, our teaching staff deliver PSHE through the use of the Development Matters Framework, which is incorporated into their everyday learning, including additional circle time discussions when appropriate. 


At East Wichel Community Primary School and Nursery we will use the Kapow scheme of work to deliver the SRE curriculum. The grid on Appendix 1 shows specific learning intentions for each year group.

Monitoring and Evaluation
The PSHE Leader will monitor the delivery of the programme through observation and discussion with teaching staff to ensure consistent and coherent curriculum provision.
Evaluation of the programmes effectiveness will be conducted on the basis of:

  • Pupil and teacher evaluation of the content and learning processes
  • Staff meetings to review and share experience

Withdrawal from SRE lessons
It is important to note that the SRE at our school sits within the school’s values framework and that we consider it vital to do this work in partnership with parents and carers. We are mindful that parents/carers do have the legal right to withdraw their child from the SRE that is part of PSHE (Kapow) Programme, whilst we hope they do not feel the need to do so.

Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the Sex and Relationship Education provided at school except for those parts included in statutory National Curriculum Science. Those parents/carers wishing to exercise this right are invited in to see the class teacher, head teacher or SRE subject leader who will explore any concerns and discuss any impact that withdrawal may have on the child. Once a child has been withdrawn they cannot take part in the SRE programme until the request for withdrawal has been removed.

Equal Opportunities
Young people may have varying needs regarding SRE depending on their circumstances and background. The school strongly believes that all pupils should have access to SRE that is relevant to their particular needs. To achieve this, the school will take into account:

  • Ethnic and cultural diversity
  • Varying home backgrounds
  • Sexuality
  • Special Education needs
  • Ensure that a male and female adult is present to support the sessions


Complete secrecy can never be promised to a pupil, though information disclosed in confidence will not generally be given to anyone else unless the child or someone else would be at risk of harm/abuse. If this is the case then the member of staff would consult the Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy for guidance and inform the key member of staff, in this case the headteacher.

Training and Resources
Opportunities for all teachers for further training in the delivery of SRE will be sought and accepted wherever circumstances permit. Kapow provides a range of well-chosen and imaginative resources to support the learning, such as case studies, scenarios, visual images and video clips. Parents/carers can view teaching resources on request.

This policy is available on our school website where it can be accessed by the community. Training is regularly delivered to staff on the policy content.
Copies are available from the school office on request from parents/carers.
We recognise the clear link between Kapow PSHE and the following policies and staff are aware of the need to refer to these policies when appropriate:

  • Science Curriculum Policy
  • Kapow (PSHE) Curriculum Policy
  • Teaching and Learning Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy


Policy Review
Approved by the Governing Body June 2018
Next Review: June 2020


Appendix 1


Year Group UnitLearning Intentions 'Pupils will be able to....'
1Families and relationships
  • Exploring how families are different to each other
  • Explore how friendship problems can be overcome. Explore friendly behaviours.
1Health and Wellbeing
  • Identifying personal strengths and qualities. Identifying different ways to manage feelings
2Families and relationships
  • Understand ways to show respect for different families. Understand that families offer love, care and support.
  • Understand difficulties in friendships and discuss actions that can be taken
2Safety and the changing body
  • To know the names of parts of my body including private parts.
  • Understand the concept of privacy and understand safe and unsafe touches
2Health and Wellbeing
  • Explore strategies to manage different emotions and develop empathy. Identify personal goals and how to work towards them. Explore the need for perseverance and develop a growth mindset. Develop an understanding of self respect.
3Families and relationships
  • Learn that problems can occur in families and that there is help available if needed. 
  • Explore ways to resolve friendships problems. Develop understanding of the impact of bullying and what to do if bullying occurs
3Health and Wellbeing
  • Explore my own identity through the groups I belong to. Identify strengths and explore how I use them to help others. Be able to breakdown a problem into smaller parts to overcome. 
4Families and relationships
  • Use respectful language to discuss different families
  • Explore physical and emotional boundaries in friendships
4Safety and the changing body
  • Discuss some physical and emotional changes during puberty
4Health and Wellbeing
  • Explore how my skills can be used to undertake certain jobs. Explore ways we can make ourselves feel happy/ happier. Develop the ability to appreciate the emotions of others in different situations. Learning to take responsibility of my emotions by knowing that I can control some things but not others. Develop a growth mindset. 
5Families and relationships
  • Identify ways families might make children feel unhappy or unsafe. 
  • Explore the impact that bullying might have. Explore issues which might be encountered in friendships and how these might impact the friendship. 
5Safety and the changing body
  • Learn about the emotional changes during puberty. Identify reliable sources of help with puberty
5Health and Wellbeing
  • Take responsibility for my own feelings.

Families and relationships


  • ​​​​​​​Identify ways to resolve conflict through negotiation and compromise
6Health and Wellbeing
  • Explore my personal qualities and how to build on them. Develop strategies for being resilient in challenging situations.
6Safety and the changing body
  • Discuss problems which might be encountered during puberty and using knowledge to help



